Be sure to visit the following Oldsmobile related sites;
Bryceman's Oldsmobile Web Site www.442.com
The Oldsmobile FAQ www.442spot.com/cpierce/oldsfaq/oldsfaq.htm
The Official Oldsmobile Factory Site www.oldsmobile.com
The Oldsmobile Club of America (OCA) Web Site www.oldsclub.org
The Illinois Chapter of the OCA www.ivoc-olds.com
The Olds G-body mailing list oldsgmail.com
The Olds Toronado web site www.toronado.org
The Hurst Olds Club www.hurstolds.com
To sign up for the Oldsmobile mailing list, send an email to majordomo@chebucto.ns.ca with the words "subscribe oldsmobile" in the body of the message. Note that the Olds mailing list can generate over 100 mail messages a day in your inbox. If this is too much for you a digest version is also available by using the line "subscribe oldsmobile-digest" in the body of the message.